What do the Job Classes mean? How do I know which one to choose?
For questions regarding the various job classes, please call the Trust Fund office by phone at (626) 279-3046 or by email to ocutrusts@pswadmin.com.
For questions regarding the various job classes, please call the Trust Fund office by phone at (626) 279-3046 or by email to ocutrusts@pswadmin.com.
Yes, ACH is a payment option. For details, please contact the Trust Fund Office by phone at (626) 279-3046 or by email to ocutrusts@pswadmin.com.
The remittance address is: OCU Trust Funds P.O. Box 515294 Los Angeles, CA 90051-6594 Checks are payable to: OCU Trust Funds The remittance address is also stated at the bottom of the monthly employer reporting form.
Liquidated damages shall be assessed in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement and Article V, Sections 4 and 5 of the Trust Agreements which is the sum of $100 or 1.5% of delinquent contributions, whichever is greater, but shall not …
What are the late charges for delinquent reports? Read more »
Contribution reports and payment are due by the 20th of the month following the month in which hours are worked.