I’m a Regular Employee- when will my eligibility terminate (Loss of Eligibility)?

If you are a Regular Employee, your coverage will end on the earlier of the last day of the calendar month in which your employment ends, or the first to occur of the following:

  1. When your full-time military service exceeds 31 days;
  2. When you take a medical leave of absence without pay, the end of the first calendar month in which you have been on a medical leave for a continuous 2-year period if you do not return to active work by the end of that month, unless your medical leave is due to on the job injury;
  3. When your medical leave is due to on the job injury, until the first of the following:
  4. You are able to return to work; or
  5. You are determined by the Workers Compensation Appeals Board, to be permanent and stationary or to have reached maximum medical improvement;
  6. When you take a non-medical leave of absence, (other than FMLA or USERRA leave);
  7. Any leave of absence not referred to in the above 1 to 4, the end of the first calendar month in which you have been on a leave for a continuous 30-day period;
  8. When your employer ceases to be an Employer;
  9. When a labor dispute commences and you go on strike or are locked out;
  10. The first day of the Plan Year in which you elect to not participate in the Plan (waive coverage) for the Plan Year;
  11. When the Trust is terminated;
  12. If the Trust ceases providing coverage to you and other similarly situated individuals.

If you are a dependent, your coverage will end:

  1. When the eligible employee’s coverage ends; or
  2. When you cease to be a Dependent, if earlier;
  3. When the Trust is terminated;
  4. If the Trust ceases providing coverage to you and other similarly situated individuals.